
Convergent Billing System
National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

The CBS on ByteOne is a billing engine compliant with Public Sector Accounting Policies (IPSAS Complaint). The CBS is secure, scalable, a highly efficient system that allows it to be embedded with the enterprise
environments such as National Identity Projects: State and Municipality revenue systems, Telecommunication and banking environments.


It is an engine to keep your business performing on-the-go from the cloud; via mobile devices, with a high level of assurance. If your business is scaling and growing at a rapid rate and you have implemented an ERP; ByteOne can help you organise activities of customers, vendors, compliance staff and investors in a specially-tailored fit for business purposes.


National Identity Enrolment Solution
National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

The National Identity Management Commission as a ByteWorks Client required the biometric based enrolment of all Nigerians for the issuance of the NIN (National Identification Number).

The enrolment of over 170 million Nigerians is a daunting task requiring special care and strategic insights. Demographic capture and information was required, as well as Multi-Modal biometrics (Finger, Face with ICAO compliance and IRIS). The problem space required Live Scan and accurate segmentation of finger data with secure indexing.